Monday, March 02, 2009


I can not handle another early morning. Really this morning I had a serious talk with this young man. I told him how it's going to be from here on out. I know what the problem is. Breastfeeding. Oh yes, I know some of you will say it's not. That I can just lay in bed with this guy sprawled across me nursing him and go back to sleep. That would be nice, but since it pretty much takes deep space silence and a miracle even with the best sleep conditions for me go to sleep, this momma will not be using the words "nursing" and "sleeping" together any time soon. The problem is that Rocky can not put himself to sleep without me. Without nursing. That's a problem. So why can't I just nurse him back to sleep at 4am and crawl back into bed? He is up for the day, all playful and loud, that's way. Maybe I'm not making much sense here, and really I don't have the time to re-read this and make is all blog perfect. To sum it up, I'm weaning the kid. Maybe one time a day, that's it. I'm ready, maybe he isn't. But I'm bigger and can run faster, barely.


Heidi R. said...

take that baby off the nipple!!... Cant you just lock him in the closet or something? ha ha... (calm down people, i am just kidding)... this would aggravate me to NO end....

RW said...

I think your comment that he cannot get to sleep without you - is critical. He needs to learn to settle independent of you - I struggled with this issue with my twins when they were two - I had a very bad back at the time and I got into the very bad habit of laying down on the big bed they shared - we would read and then they would fall asleep beside me - it was just easier on me physically but I CREATED a huge dependence on that experience. Breaking them of that was the absolute hardest thing I have to go through - they are almost 14 now. But, if we don't teach them to settle on their own - they will have challenges their entire life... I will try and find the book that helped me through this ....


beth said...

wean him....he's old enough and you need your sleep sweetie !!

Amy said...

I HEAR you. Best wishes, and I think you've got yourself a very reasonable solution. Your sleep is imperative to good living. He will learn.
BTW- Jeff is home today, so we are just catching up on errands, etc. Call if you need a nap:)!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck. I think it's always going to be bittersweet. I night wean fairly early (9-12 months, maybe that's not early to some?) and continue to nurse during the day. Only you know what is best for your family!!

Anonymous said...

when you're ready you're ready...and i think that if that is how you feel chances are he is ready too and will be fine. i commend you for nursing and believe it should end without tears. when i cut off Camille at around 2 1/2 yrs (longer than the planned 2 yrs) we started by talking about it, discussing that we don't need that anymore, she ended up with a pacifier but i was sooo happy and then we took that away, now i just need to get her off rubbing my belly to go to sleep and we're golden!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on doing such a stellar job with nursing the kidlet -- onward to the next stage :)

Anonymous said...

p.s. Total DUDE on the toilet seat with a hearty stash of reading materials :)

Sivan said...

Heather, you are amazing! I don't know how you do everything that you do with waking up at 4am every morning! You NEED sleep. As a mother, as a homemaker, as a teacher, as a human being. I breastfeed my 6 month old babe. He's been SO easy - used to sleep 10 hours a night since he was 1.5 months. But when he was about 4 months old he had a tummy bug. And then he had an ear infection. So for the longest time there were no restrictions, no schedule, boobie on demand. For the last month I have been tired like I've never been before, and I got to the point that I fell asleep to his cry (in the same room). He HAD to learn to self soothe, to get used to falling asleep in his crib without boob and without me. His last nursing now is b/w 10-11pm and then he sleeps till 7-7:30am. Thankgoodness!
What I'm trying to say is, you have to be kind to your self so you can keep being the amazing mother you are! Good luck!!!

Laura said...

Okay, that photo of him on the toilet reading his book is freakin adorable and precious.

Lorissa said...

I had the same sleep issues with Hunter. Ron had to take over all wakings for Hunter to get the hint...hope you all get some sleep soon. This too will pass.....XOXO

Anonymous said...

Heather you know Rocky will be fine and even extra fine with a well rested mommy... I hope for a good transition! Keep in mind daylight savings coming this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Best advice I ever got for being a new mommy from the pediatrician - all babies need to LEARN to put themselves to sleep - if they don't they will have problems going to sleep the rest of their lives. To this day - my kids are the best when it comes to bedtime!
Good Luck!!!

Chris K

jenica said...

that pic of him is freakin' precious though.
you're the mama and you know best what you need in order to be the best mama to all those kidlets.

Kate said...

oh my. we will so be in the same boat when my littlest is that little man's age. She is my crazy nurser, but is only 13 months we have a ways to go before I'm at the running-through-the-house-with-holding-down-the-end-of-my-shirt phase;) 4 am mornings stink-- and daylight savings time does NOT help matters!