So I'm 36 now. There was a minute there all I could see in that number was the giant 40 standing impatiently behind it. It really was more like a 2 week minute if I'm honest. I'm over it now though, pretty much. Really 40 isn't standing RIGHT behind 36 anyway, I have a little wiggle room to panic. Not that there is anything WRONG with 40. It just that it's closer to 50, and there IS a little something wrong with that number :). I think it might be better if, like my mom, I conveniently forget my age when it gets to high for my liking. My mom will always say some random number when you ask her, not because she's being silly, but because it's slipped her mind, sometimes she will start counting by 10's from the year she was born to figure it out. Anyway, I am going to let it go for now, a number is a number and I have a life to live, so I'm laying it down for now.
happy birthday!
well, 40 isn't so bad, not even 43! you see, what happens is the years go by, but you still feel like you're growing up the whole time. every year brings new lessons to learn and new thinks to think. life is so fluid...
happy birthday heathe! to tell the truth, i can't wait for 40. 36 should be pretty dang good too.
my theory since my 20's is to not fear 50 or 60. Because isn't it the goal to get there? I mean, what's the alternative, right? I believe in redefining what's old/young or just throwing that idea out the window altogether. If I start now, when I'm 50 it won't be a forced thing anyway. :) Also I have forgotten my age for a few years now, maybe since my late 20's. I really actually forget- I know I'm not 32 anymore, but is it 33 or 34? It takes a second. I think I am turning... seriously I am thinking... yup 34 this year. I thought I was already 34 for a minute... me = lame=o. ha ha
Happy Belated Birthday!
I figure I earned every gray hair and every wrinkle. I'm proud of my age and tell it gladly. Besides, you are right ... life is for living. And I am so grateful that I'm where I am now and not back in high school dealing with things the way we did then. =)
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