Thursday, December 04, 2008

Nine Years

9 years
Today John and I have been married 9 years. He took the day off and our superhero friend Helen watched the kids while John and I went off to play in San Francisco. We had fun in China town and Golden Gate park. John and I have traveled a lot together and I must say I could not image having a more peaceful, kind, funny, genuine person to be with. He is my life travel partner :). I love you John.


Lorissa said...


Lorissa said...

P.S. Hope you & Stella are feeling better :)

marz said...

awww! G and I were in SF, too, but not together (bummer)- me at UCSF, him at a work lunch... you had beautiful weather!
you guys free SAt nite to hang?

Heidi R. said...

aawwwww. that is wonderful! John is a good man. congrats!

Renee said...

Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a fun day.