Today I'm grateful for my husband. He's wonderful.
I've been tagged by Amy
here's the info . link to the person that tagged you (hi p. momma!) and post the rules on your blog.2. share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.3. tag 7 people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.4. let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
My 7 things:
1. When I brush my teeth my left hand must be tucked flat into my right armpit. I can not brush my teeth if I'm not doing this.
2. When I smell a skunk this phrase goes through my head every time: "This skunk smells like a monkey would taste." I don't know why I say this or when it started but I say it every time.
3. I once forced myself to stay awake for so long that I hallucinated that there was a little adult person sitting in my Wal-Mart shopping cart basket as I stood in an isle. He didn't talk to me, just stared. He looked like a troll and scared me. I went home and went to bed and started sleeping again.
4. While camping at night I have to wear ear plugs because if I don't I'm sure there is a maniac killer slowly walking around our tent about to slash a knife through the fabric. Or that there is a bear outside walking around about bust into our tent to eat my head off. If I'm wearing earplugs I don't think these things or hear scary noises and it makes everyone have a much more peaceful night.
5. I had no idea Michael Jackson was black for awhile when I was a kid. I was obsessed with him, binders filled with magazine clippings, posters all over my walls. Then my dad or someone casually mentioned it and I was like "what! huh, no he's not" Not that it mattered, I just was a little shocked that I hadn't noticed. This was when his skin really was dark too. I think this is when my family may have first thought I had a screw loose.
6. I'm afraid of water slides in water parks. I've never been on one and never want to go on one. I think they look scary and dangerous.
7. I hate Jazz music. It makes me feel anxiety.
i totally remember you fighting us about M.J being black. you said he was white (maybe tan, but definitly white). ha ha. i am not of fan of water slides either, i think they are really dangerous!!
happy anniversary...a little late but the thoughts are still good ones !!!!
Oh that was funny. The monkey, the troll, MJ... I'm laughing out loud !
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