This is it folks, the exact expression I often get from John. This is the "God help me, this woman is in charge of our kids all day!" expression. I'm very familiar with it. Really sometimes I wonder why I don't just keep all of the close calls we've had to myself, but I just can't help myself, once the fear or embarrassment or shock has passed I always see a little humor in the event that I think I want to pass along to John. He's not always laughing though. This week I earned two of these hand to eye's, slight shake of the head, groaning expressions. One involving my excitement in showing Jack some dead decomposing bodies (I thought it would be exciting and scientific and cool for him, I was wrong) in a documentary a friend and I were watching. This was a bad choice on my part, really a lapse of my good mothering sense. I got it back quickly and tended to my son's horror and I think he's over it now. AND one today, in the park a lady lecturing me, demeaning and insulting my friend Trish and I for letting our girls wander off. They were OK, just far far away for a few moments. So anyway I earned the "God help me, this woman is in charge of our kids all day!" expression from John honestly this week. I'm laughing now though, it's all a little funny to me now. Anyway I'm not going to let a little lapse in judgement spoil my week, there will be more dead bodies and little lost children to fret over tomorrow I'm sure.
I have to tell you that Mike did the EXACT SAME THING (I couldn't believe that picture of John - almost deja vu)when I told him about the lady at the park. Sheesh, you'd think that we TRY to lose the kids:).....do you think that maybe we should try to never have "Trish" and "lost" and "kids" in the same sentence ever again? Is it a pattern?
this is so funny and reminds me of the time i thought it'd be fun to show my 5 yr old son the video of thriller around halloween. i had forgotten how gruesome and well done the make up is on michael Jackson. he was horrified when the werewolf face popped up and i struggled to turn it off while he freeked out. bedtime wasn't the same for weeks. i felt like such a bad mom....but like you i thought it was a little humorous how the whole thing played out especially me trying to TURN THE THING OFF in light of my child's freek out.
wow!! that is all i have to say. carry on. carry on :) ha ha ha.
I think men {who become husbands and fathers} are born with the gene that allows them to have that look....BECAUSE, oh yes !!!....it happens here, too....and do ever get the eye roll that sometimes follows this look...you know the one with the raised eyebrows while heavy air is being sucked into his lungs ???
now this has made me laugh !!!
and to think...my kids, 17 and almost 21 have survived all these years with me in charge....
and yours, too, will be perfectly wonderful with you in charge !!!
I think I would give myself that look time to time if I could.
Luckily Phil usually does find the humor with me & since he has been home...he can relate a lot more. Ha!
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