Tuesday, September 23, 2008

sit. eat. enjoy.

John and Rocky
Today will be a busy one. I'm longing for Saturday morning again. Playing with the kids, bacon, cartoons. Snuggling with the kids. Not that today won't be fun. It will, but it will be long.

I'm generally not a busy type person. I don't love packing my day full. I don't "need" to get out of the house everyday. Some people go stir crazy at home. I go crazy if I have to much planned. The calender this week looks a little packed.
John and Rocky
On Monday night each week I sit down with a bunch of women and we talk about our plans for the week. What is one small thing we can do for ourselves to make is a better week. Mine: Sit down with the kids every morning and eat breakfast with them. Very simple. This is actually the perfect plan for a week like this, I didn't even think about it when I made the goal. Just something to accomplish. No doing dishes while they eat, no picking up, or blog writing. No knitting, or laundry. Just sit and eat and enjoy. Have a nice day friends.


Amy said...

welcome back here, friend. what a wise idea, and a beautiful start to the day. your babies are very lucky to have such a thoughtful mama.

marz said...

sounds beautiful. Just remember to go with the flow! Altho you have a better chance of thriving at the breakfast table since you have more civilized children- mine often includes saying such as "get your fork out of your drink" "stop putting ketchup in your hair" and "stop stuffing your mouth with food then taking it out to show me"
hee hee

Renee said...

I love all the Daddy/Rocky pics. Too beautiful.

Lorissa said...

That's a nice plan for the week...XOXO