So we have been busy doing lots of homeschooly type stuff around here. We are trying on more of a formal schedule, well really not all that formal, but more so than the usual circus show we got going on. So can I show off a little? OK, thanks :). So we are studying six paintings by Vermeer over the next 12 weeks. This week we all painted our own version of his "Girl with a Pearl Earring" painting. Check out Jack's.

I don't know about you, but I think it's genius. Isn't is beautiful!!? OK I'm having a mom moment maybe, but no really, isn't it amazing?
OK moving on now to our weaving

This is a quote from Jack as he got going on his colorful weave "mommy, I love this. I feel like I could weave all day long". :)

And today, the salamander. Oh the salamander, there is a story there but I don't have the energy to tell you it right now. One found today, and lost. We came home and the first thing Jack asked was if he could draw a picture of the little salamander. So here he is. Cute little guy huh? He actually looked a lot like this too.
OK, well see you soon, I'll try and check in here more often, I know I've been slacking here in this blog lately. My energy has been elsewhere, but I do like checking in. Have a good week everyone, see you soon.
I thought about that painting all day. It really was so vibrant and moody - and the other projects are equally compelling. Such a lovely effort, lovely family.
frame that painting !!!
as they get older they won't like what they paint as they become critical of themselves and you'll wish you had kept and framed all the paintings from when they were little !!!....love it !!
Jack is so precious. I love that kid. I love what you guys are doing too.
The salamander was dead on arrival..poor guy. We have a new rule in our house -- no more wild amphibians!! They never make it. At least Jack didn't have to suffer heartbreak twice in one day :)
jack is our little weaver (dream weaver)....so cute!!! and i actually do really love his painting! It would be awesome if he painted me something. I need some fridge art :)
this art is awesome! the pearly earring version is like a picasso and the salamander shape is spot on! amazing how children create...it doesn't get any better.
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