We went to the Bone Room on Saturday to satisfy by son's insatiable bone cravings. He LOVES bones. My sister gave him a really cool giant bone box to store all of his bones in. Mostly they are just chicken bones from our dinners, nothing to fancy yet. The bone room was really really cool. Lots of human bones and lots of animal bones. It's a small little shop but we spent a good hour in there browsing. I loved the skulls the most. They each had a tag on them with a little description of who they were and how they died. I love that Jack loves bones so much. I wanted to buy him the $800 full skeleton but that was not quite in our budget. One day when he is a scientist digging up bones in a desert somewhere he'll have have enough bones to build his own skeletons I'm sure.
my jack {17} actually is a great bone finder for me....I love them and he is my hunter, of sorts and is always coming home with something for me and a silly little grin knowing how pleased I'm going to be with what he's got in his hands....
out at our cottage, he has come home with jaw bones and even an enitre pelvis, that we believe all belonged to cows that used to live on our land...
the best ones lately we think are maybe fox skulls....totally amazing and I understand how your Jack loves bones !!!
my dad has a human skull that he studied from in dental school. it was my favorite thing to "pplay with" in his study when I was little
thanks for that memory:)
wow!! That is super cool. I like how they have a description of how they died and who they were. That is just realy cool.
This is such a great place to hang out.
Forgive me if I'm a little puzzled by the whole concept.....
Glad to see you posting though.
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