- This song. Listened to over and over and over again today as I drove around shopping. I'm grateful for music that moves my heart, not just the words, but the feel of a song.

-To the Great and Mighty Trish and her hubby Mike who watched my little rascals today as I finished Christmas shopping. THANK YOU.

- Fun looking around Urban Ore in Berkeley. By myself. No kids. Alone.

- Seeing my family and John's family tomorrow.
- Having Stella's friend Rachel over, seeing the kids play dress up, and eating popcorn, and walking Rocky around, makes me happy
- My friends
- My pink fingerless gloves
- This week: Jack Johnson, Neko Case, Ray Lamontagne
- The way the house smells when I make stew
pink fingerless gloves??? i am instantly jealous and that wedding dress looks beautiful hung that way ....
I bought that hat at urban outfitters at least 4 or 5 months ago in the clearance area... $9.99. I will keep my eyes open for another one. All hats itch my head like crazy, but this one has a silky inside that doesnt itch...i wear it EVERYWHERE!!
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