Monday, November 10, 2008

My house is messy right now. Not just a little messy. Big time messy. I'd like to use our little morning house guest Benen as my scapegoat, but I can't because it was messy before he came over. I'm trying to embrace the mess. Laugh at it and call it the "homey" or "lived in" look, but it's starting to scare me a little. I'm not sitting around all day twiddling my thumbs. Really I'm working pretty hard at all my motherly/wifely chores but for some reason I'm not making any headway with the clutter. I look outside and I see mother earth is keeping her house a little less tidy these days. The leaves are falling everywhere and the trees are a jumble of color, so I guess that makes me feel a little better. Jeesh if it's OK with God to have things a bit messy then really what am I complaining about, right? I'll keep doing my best to pick up, and I know the kids will keep doing their best to follow behind me and undo, and in the end I'm going to relax and let it flow as it may. Cleanliness will come when it's ready. (Like how I did that, I sort of humanized Cleanliness. If he doesn't choose to show up, that sure isn't my fault now is it?)


sara said...

My house feels the same way and I only have 1 child, so you are way ahead of me!

I hate the clutter, too, and it freaks me out, but I've arrived at sort of the same conclusion you have -- there will be a time to clean, and I will throw myself into it when the opportunity arises, but now just isn't that time.

Anonymous said...

yep,just let it be. There will be another mess tomorrow. And tomorrow..and tomorrow..

Amy said...

But you humanized mess too, and I know that guy even better! While he can be antagonizing, he's surely part of my household. Like a second child, really.
Love the awareness that Mother N. is letting her house go a little. You make such beautiful observations.

jenica said...

GREAT way to look at it dearie.


Anonymous said...

that's exactly how i feel about it! :^)

Anonymous said...

You are SO insightful. I wished I was that in touch. You remind me of my best friend who is the wisest person I know. She often reminds me to not worry and just fall back on a popular phrase in her vocabularly...'it is what it is.' You really are so insightful!