Friday, February 20, 2009

Greatful Friday

* I finally get my birthday present from John tomorrow. I'll show you pictures next week.
* Our family is slightly addicted to playing the beautiful games at Orsinal.
* My sassy Stella. Whew, I must tell you this girl is running me ragged lately.
* We are waging war on sugar over here and I found some tasty snacks at Trader Joe's last night.
* My new "Home Education" magazine that came in at the library yesterday.
* My artist Jack.
* Found big cheap maps at an education store that is going out of business.
* A super sweet email from my sister
* A date with my sweet hubby on Valentines day thanks to Trish
* Watching Jack hold baby chickens yesterday and having him come home excited asking his daddy if we could have chickens. John actually said we could ask the landlords. WHAT!! I've asked a zillion times for chickens and you said "no". I guess Jack's big brown eyes softened him up a little.


Unknown said... this the kitty that you guys were originally going to get??? or a different one? yay!!! finally.... lol... and dont you have to have particular zoning for chickens???

Heidi R. said... this the kitty that you guys were originally going to get??? or a different one? yay!!! finally.... lol... and dont you have to have particular zoning for chickens???

Anonymous said...

hey - we can start a chicken raisers co-op....i think there are others doing chickens this spring, too! maybe start a little organic egg business on the side, you know, for extra scratch money :)