Monday, November 24, 2008


Rocky 5 days old
Rocky's birthday was yesterday. He turned 2. We had cake and went on a birthday hike.
Rocky 1 day old
Rocky was born on Thanksgiving morning 2 years ago. This is Stella and him, he's about 5 hours old. He was born on a full moon and was 9lbs 4oz, exactly the same weight as his brother Jack. We almost named him Henry but then changed it at the last minute. For 9 months I tried to convince John to name him either Elvis or Ozzy (or LuLu if he was a girl) but it was a firm no. Henry it was. And then in the last week, he caved a little and we brainstormed and fell in love with the name Rocky. He's a special little guy. There is something about him that shines. He's a clever one, picking up on actions and words very easily. We are going to celebrate some more on Thursday. Happy Birthday Rocky!


Heidi R. said...

awww..... happy birthday Rocky!! Our little Gnome :)

Amy said...

He looks exactly like his daddy in that 2nd picture.
Happy Birthday to him from us. We love Rocky.

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy birthday Rocky!!

Rebecca F.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Rocky rockstar!! Big birthday hugs from all of us!

Sivan said...

Happy birthday Rocky mom and dad!
Have fun celebrating, and happy thanksgiving :)