Friday, November 14, 2008

Grateful Friday

morning shadow
- My morning coffee
- A weekend away with John
- Jeff and Gretchen for watching our kids so I can have a weekend with John
- Amy for coming and sitting and knitting and talking being my friend
- Fresh garden beets (thanks Amy)
- Nigella Lawson
- Swiss cheese
- Daily Audio Bible podcast
- This week: Nina Simone, Alison Krause, Pink Floyd
- Leaf piles in our backyard
- Breathing deeply
- The full moon shining in our window at night


marz said...

what the heck!?! How do you capture such beautiful images right there in your home, you don't even have to go somewhere *special*? How come I can't see those moments? Maybe I am going too fast.

Anonymous said...

i love this pic! looks ghostly.... :)

<3 heidi

Anonymous said...

A weekend for just the 2 of you -- good for you!

Amy said...

Beautiful you, shadow. All day long I have been asking myself emotional mind? rational mind? wise mind? what a lovely tool you have handed us, thank you.
have a wonderful weekend away.