Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A walk in the woods

Jack in a tree
This weekend we went hiking in the Redwoods. Stella takes warming up when it comes to hiking. The first half hour we pretty much carry her, and then she gets into exploring and runs around with Jack and Rocky.

There were trail runners running along our trail. It was some kind of organized run. I think I want to take up trail running. Since we've moved here and spent more time in the woods I've learned a bit more about trail running than I did before. There are websites dedicated to it, and runs happening frequently in really beautiful locations. Here,and hereare a couple of sites if you are interested.

Anyway back to our hike. It was nice and cool and smelled oh so good and foresty. We look forward to heading back soon.


Anonymous said...

Oh my. That first picture looks like it belongs in a story book about a brave boy who walks through the woods. Wonderful picture!

I wish I had woods to walk in around here. All we have is swamp and aligators....

Helen said...

Looks like a magical place Heather. I'm pretty sure this is the night walk area. Can't wait!

Elissa said...

looks lovely... that first pic is such a lush fantasy of a photo......