Friday, September 12, 2008


Hey there, guess what!! This picture was picked along with 49 others this week to be voted on by you, my dear friends, to win the National Geographic International Photography Contest. Whoa, that sounds impressive huh?!! I'm excited, so anyway if there is any chance in hell I'm going to get a shot at this thing I'll need your help. Please go vote here Thanks!


Helen said...

Yeah!!!!! You rock Heather! I gave the pic a big whopping ten. You have such a special eye, its about time the world was finding out what a great photographer you are.

Anonymous said...

yipppeee!!! that is so awesome that i just stumbled upon this...i surely thought you were trying to be secret or something about it.... you should enter more contests. oh ya..and the prize is super cool too!! :)

luv, heidi

Lisa said...

I voted! You always take such fantastic photographs! Good luck!