Friday, April 13, 2007

Grateful Friday

- Reading so many books lately, loved "Insecure at Last" by Eve Ensler. I finished "White Oleander" and am now reading "Middlesex". I'm grateful to have the time to read, and a library close to my home.
- Rocky always wakes up in the morning very happy, he rolls around in his crib for awhile and coo's until I come and pick him up.
- My mom visiting, the kids always love being with her.
- A successful week of potty training for Stella. This time it's working, with a promise of new panties and sparkly shoes.
- I finally made a dentist appointment, I'm not really that grateful for it, but I know I should be :(
- Today is Friday, I'm looking forward to a fun weekend with my family.
- Golden Grams cereal.
- I'm loving that whenever Stella gets something she likes she always asks for more so she can give some to Jack.


Anonymous said...

A delicious list here. I loved Middlesex and also, White Oleander. Enjoy your weekend!

Heth said...

Mmm, Golden Grahams. That photo is so, so sweet.

I'm with Stella, I would do almost anything for sparkley shoes.

Anonymous said...

That photo is priceless! Have a good weekend!

Renee said...

Yeah for potty training! I'm loving it over here too . . . although I'm still lazy sometimes and just go with the diaper.

Anonymous said...

what a cute photo!

Anonymous said...

Oh cutey patootie Rocky. I think his expressions are priceless. Does he make that face often or only for the camera?

And all of your children sound so sweet.